

Stupid Stuff Guys Say

Before you open your mouth, consider this: Any conversation you have with her will likely be shared among a half dozen other women. "My girlfriends know everything about me," says Noureen DeWulf, an actress in the new movie The Back-up Plan, due out in April. "They know who texts me, calls me -- everything." Here's how to win her and your panel of critics at every stage of the game.

Call off the games
Don't try to make her jealous by flirting with her friends. Men have these strategies to create competition, says DeWulf. "That's a way to meet a lot of women but not the way to continue a conversation." However, if you approach her and sparks don't fly, it's okay to make a polite exit. She won't be off ended.

Goof off a little
On the first date, skip the serious stuff . "Don't ask me about work," says DeWulf. "I like silly questions. Ask me my favorite color or why I ordered this drink." It's your energy, personality, and the way you act that will impress her, she says.

Relive your pursuit"I like it when there's a process, like when you track me down," she says. After a few dates, reminisce about the first time you saw her. And the more details the better -- describe what she was wearing or what your initial reaction was. Then tell her how thrilled you are to finally have connected with her.

Be discreet
In the bedroom, feel free to make kinky suggestions -- just keep the source of inspiration to yourself. "Don't tell me your buddy tried this or you saw this in porn," DeWulf says. "That's just gross."

From: Men's Health

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